Getting a Job After University: Where to Begin

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of graduation? Check out this blog post where Cheap Students covers how to beef up your resume, and better prepare yourself for graduation.

Grocery Shopping Basics

An introduction on how to grocery shop better, save money and cut down on grocery bills in the future. Contains links to Canadian grocery flyers as well as prices to look for.

Textbooks: A How to Guide

A post covering how to purchase and sell textbooks at the beginning of each semester. Textbooks often cost quite a lot purchased brand new, use these tips to save money on your next textbook purchases.

Learning Tab

Check out the learning tab to view free online resources where you can learn new languages, develop your computer skills and find ways to further develop your resume.

Job Hunting

Check out the job hunting section, filled with resume, cover letter and job interview tips and resources all to help throughout the job hunting process.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cheap Students Has Moved

You may have noticed that there hasn't been any new content on here for a little while. The reason being is that I have been working to get this blog shifted over to wordpress and purchased a new domain name.

So I would like to now direct all of you over to the new Cheap Students blog @ (with a lot of the old but better).

Click here to check it out..there's also some new content waiting for you.

(click the image below)