Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Updates

Just to keep everyone updated on the newest additions to the blog, Facebook page as well as the Twitter feed, and to give a bit of an overview of what's happening.

Recently we have worked with CouponSmart, the result has been a new coupon bar that shows up throughout the blog.

Also a new social networking bar has been added to the left side of the blog. This allows you to access both the Facebook and Twitter pages, and also gives you the option of connecting via LinkedIn with me.

Check out the most recent posts on the right side of the blog, or view the entire list of current and past blog posts scroll down to the very bottom of the blog.

Keep checking back within the other tabs including coupons, budgeting and job hunting where new updates will be coming soon. Articles and other interesting information related to these topics will appear at the top of those pages.

Also located in the bottom bar are recent comments, and the blog archive.

Any other questions about where to find things, please contact Cheap Students by commenting here, posting on the Facebook page or a tweet through Twitter.


  1. Gotta love progress. My blog will going through a bit of a remodelling as well this week, although moreso on the backend.

  2. Nice. I will definitely make sure that I check it out.
