As many of you may have seen from my various tweets I have been spending some money here and there. I have been sticking to eating what I already have (for the most part) and only went grocery shopping a few times in order to prevent scurvy from taking over. I did realize as well, that since I went home for the weekend for Easter I didn't have to make meals all of those days which may have prevented me from going to the grocery store earlier. But hey who cares. I ended up eating a lot of the things I already had, but spent way too much on food at work (clearly). And for those of you keeping tabs, I spent almost $75 dollars less this month..(which probably ended up going towards my lost student card and new bus pass..)
Here's the breakdown of my food spending over the last month.
So basically I didn't spend as much as I had been in the past, but I still spent way too much when it came to food at work.
Also as a cost cutting tactic I am hoping that by posting this before the end of the month it will force me not to spend any more money on groceries so I don't have to fix the spreadsheet...
Does anyone have any great tips to share when it comes to saving money on groceries?
I am going to continue to work on this in order to cut down on my costs and save more of my current paycheck from my co-op job.
Hope everyone's exams went well!
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