Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween on a Budget

Halloween tends to be a time where students go out, and drink, and drink...And something that makes it a bit different than any other night out is the additional challenge of coming up with a clever costume. In addition, Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year. This leaves us with a bit of a problem, the additional issue of coming up with not just 1 but 2 costumes this year all within a student budget.

In most cases you have your go to costume, the one that you are dead set on wearing and it's your showstopper. But you are slightly troubled by the fact that you may need a second costume for the night Halloween actually falls on as well as trying to pull together the pieces on your main costume as well.

Here are some great ways to save cash while trying to make your costume(s).
  • Purchase accessories off of eBay (check shipping since were pretty close to Halloween now)
  • Check out thrift stores
  • Look for ideas in Halloween stores, but don't actually buy anything from there, they tend to be overpriced
  • Check out Dollarama for some cheap accessories
  • Make your costume or part of it. Go to a craft store and get supplies (or get cheap supplies from Dollarama as well
  • For additional ideas check out Pinterest, there are usually some great things floating around on there.
For those who struggle to come up with costume ideas..

Check out some awesome and easy last minute costumes. You can often find a lot of what you need for these costumes at one of the places above or even within your own clothes.

Image Source

What cheap and easy Halloween costumes have you used in the past?


  1. One year my sibling went as chat roulette. I thought that was so creative! And all it took was a cardboard box, a box cutter, and a sharpie! (They were inside the "screen.")

    1. Nice I love costumes like that. That also reminds me of those costumes where people were a Facebook profile or a Youtube video.
